

Ergens midden jaren 90 kreeg ik via-via een cassettebandje met daarop een deel van de plaat Undertow van de Amerikaanse band Tool. Dit album sloeg bij mij in als een bom. Niet lang daarna vroeg en kreeg ik de CD voor mijn verjaardag. De eerste keer dat ik Tool live zag was in 1997 in Paradiso, wat een bijzonder goed optreden was, nog steeds eentje voor mijn concert top-3.

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Krijgen we dan eindelijk een nieuwe plaat van Tool? Zanger Maynard James Keenan lijkt het te bevestigen. En met een Thor meme nog wel! Er zijn onlangs 2 nieuwe nummers gelekt die ze live speelden, maar dat zijn vast hele brakke opnamen. Ik ga proberen me te beheersen en wachten tot het album uit is. Bij het optreden van 18 juni zullen ze misschien ook wel iets spelen, maar de focus zal dan toch op oud werk liggen. Ook prima wat mij betreft.

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Nieuws van Tool-zanger Maynard James Keenan. The band is "quietly working" on a new album that will be released "when it's ready". Mag ik een voorzichtig 'Hoera!' met u delen?


It's really true, one does need more sleep as one gets older. Went to see Tool in Ahoy Rotterdam last night. The second show in this year. What a treat! :-)

I'm not really a big fan of Ahoy, the sound usually isn't very good. Luckily we had a great spot right in the center, so the sound was actually pretty good. A bit louder than I would have preferred though. My ears were ringing for quit some time after the show. And when will they ban smoking at gatherings like this? Such a disgusting habit.

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Tool, again

Uhm, it looks like I've managed to get my hands on some Tool concert tickets. Again! They're playing Ahoy in november and sales began this morning at ten. Since the previous show sold out in 8 minutes, I'd deemed my chances to slim to score tickets yet again. However, when I just logged in to ticketservice, I was still able to get my hands on tickets. I'm mostly surprised at the moment, but I'm sure joy will set in eventually. :-)


Maynard in front of the videoscreen
Though a bit on the short side, the Tool concert (my third) was fantastic! The show was accompanied by various footage (including the music videos for songs like Sober and Schism) on 4 big screens on stage. At the start we were asked to refrain from smoking on behalf of Maynard, which suited me just fine ast the smell of weed and tobacco is not one of my favourite things. Unfortunately there were still a number of people unable to comply with this request.

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Finally, only one more day to go before the much anticipated Tool concert in Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. I've heard different reports on the sound quality, but since I haven't been, I'll just have to wait and see. The wikipedia does state The hall is praised for its acoustics and it's said these are the best in Europe. And I wonder if Tool can make it as good as the show in Paradiso I witnessed in 1997, just after the release of Ænima. That still remains my favourite concert ever, even after almost ten years and numerous shows.

I also picked up tickets to see Porcupine Tree. They're playing Paradiso in september. That will be the second show of theirs within a year. What a treat!

Tool show

Sold out in under 10 minutes, I am the lucky owner of a ticket for the Tool show at The Heineken Music Hall on June 27. :-D Can't wait!


Got it! Picked up the new Tool album 10.000 Days at Velvet just now. Got a not so legal version earlier this week, but that's just not the same. After waiting five years for this, I want the complete package, including the groovy artwork. At the moment the title track is my favourite track. The album is called thus because:
As Keenan explains [..], his mother suffered a stroke that left her partially paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. The length of time between her paralysis and her death was 27 years, or approximately 10,000 days.


Just found out that more European tour dates have been announced for Tool. Good to see more dates in the Netherlands besides the awful commercial Pinkpop, which I refuse to attend. They're playing Heineken Music Hall on June 27th. I'm there. Now if only I could find out when the tickets are available for sale.

It's been snowing on and off these past few days. As beautiful as that always is as it's first fallen, it unfortunatly becomes a nuisance rather quickly. Ah well, it'll inevitably melt again.