

Amsterdam was great. First we went to the Albert Cuyp market, took the tram to the Waterlooplein and then walked through the centre untill we ended up back at the trainstation. Unbelievable that one exhausting day can be summed up in one sentence. I bought more then I intended to, but that's okay. Ended up with two comfy vests and three longsleeves. Also a beautiful pair of silver earrings, with deepred stones. And, much to my surprise, the new Opeth, called Deliverance! It was supposed to be released on November 4th, so I'm glad I asked the guy at the shop for it. I also purchased 2 Fields of the Nephilim albums, Revelations and Elizium. I also tried on a number of shoes, but there were none I liked. Why is every shop offering the same sort of things? Where is the originality?


Happy birthday to me! Just realised this site is six years old this month, as I uploaded the very first version in November of 1996.

Be patient

I'm working on a new idea for this site. But even though I've got tons floating around in my brain, nothing real seems to come out. It'll take some time.


I finished Stephen King's The Dead Zone yesterday. I've searched most of the rooms in the house, but couldn't really find anything new to read. And ofcourse, on a sunday, the library had to be closed. I believe Thursday is the first time it's opened on a convenient time for me. So I turned to the classics for some re-reading. Considered Dune for a moment, but settled on The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. One of my all time favourites. The only disadvantage is it's weight. It's murder in public transport. But I'll manage.

Lyrics Archive

I've finally made up my mind. I'm going to quite The Lyrics Archive » I just don't have the time anymore, and it's been ages since my last update. If anyone out there is interested in buying, let me know. Otherwise it'll go offline in the near future.


Just another quiet saturday. Did some work on my site, played a game of Age Of Empires (and won) and watched an episode of Water: The Drop of Life on The Discovery Channel. Which, by the way, is an impressive documentary. If you get a chance to see it, you should. Oh, there's also a book to go with it.


The new AltaVista looks nice. But I fear it's too little too late. Haven't we all switched to Google by now?

Feel the burn

Sun's rays to roast Earth as poles flip. I don't think I want to be around for this. Earth's magnetic field - the force that protects us from deadly radiation bursts from outer space - is weakening dramatically. [...] Reversals happen every 250,000 years or so, and as there has not been one for almost a million years, we are due one soon.


Just found out the Danzig gig has been cancelled. Apparently Glenn didn't like the size of the stage. Sigh. What kind of reason is that?


Two interesting finds today » Full As A Goog is "Chock Full Of Macromedia Goodness" and, offers Object Orientation Tips.


Spend most of the day in Leiden. Tjerk got the keys to his place this morning, you see. So we went there to do some painting and stuff. It's weird, because it's still unreal. I can't imagine what the house will be like next week. Anyhow, I think I'll stay at home tomorrow. There are plans of going to Ikea, and I don't think I can take that on a Sunday.

Today is also the day Sinterklaas arrived on our coast. Can't believe it's already that time of year.


I have been a fan of Ordo Equilibrio for quite some time now. Oh, I should say Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio. They changed their name, you see. My current favourite song would have to be Flowers And Moonshine. You can listen to a sample on the website of their label, Cold Meat Industries. It's perfect for a sunday afternoon. Especially when you've, like me, just fled to a different floor to avoid your parents, who arrived home earlier than expected. Sometimes a girl just needs some solitude.

El cheapo!

Did I mention I bought Boogie Nights on DVD? It was only €14,99, so how could I refuse.


Je moet toch wat tijdens zo'n koffiepauze. De discussie ging vandaag over de mogelijke opvolger van Bram van der Vlugt als Sinterklaas, mits deze er natuurlijk mee wil stoppen. Wie moet deze ere-taak op zich nemen? Wij kwamen onder andere op Peer Mancini, hoewel die natuurlijk ook niet zo piep meer is. Moeilijk hoor. Heb jij nog ideëen?


I tried out the Knoppix Linux distro last night. Quite impressive. It booted the first time and recognised all my hardware. Even the obscure pieces. It automatically mounted my Windows partitions and I could use the programs with Wine. It contains loads more. Very impressive.


National Geographic did a Geographic Survey. Results are shocking. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed could not find the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest body of water. U.S. was worst, Sweden best. I wonder how The Netherlands would have done.


It's been a week of non-events. First the Danzig gig on wednesday, which was cancelled. And now I've also deceided not the go the HCC, like I do most years. I just want to relax this weekend. No hassle. There's been far to much of that lately, which Tjerk moving out and everything. It's strange, because he spend his first night in the new place, last night. But it hasn't really sunk in yet. Sure it will.

Movies & fabric

Just watched the new trailer for LoTR2: The Two Towers. Can't wait for it to premiere. I believe it'll be December 18th. I borrowed a Futurama DVD box ealier this week, and was planning to watch it this weekend. But I still haven't gotten around to it.

Spend most of yesterday reading and went to Leiden today, to buy way to much fabric. Beautiful green wool and a lovely tweed, to feed my addiction for wintercoats. Can't wait for them to be ready. Well, maybe I'll get round to Futurama tonight. Who knows.


Heard some good things about Audioslave. Can't wait to hear some of their material. It's the new band of Soundgarden's Chris Cornell and 3 former Rage Against The Machine members.

I finally ordered the The Mists of Avalon DVD. It's one of my favourite books, and I've been wanting to see the movie for quite some time now. But I couldn't find it in the stores anywhere. Long live e-commerce.


Just paid my hosting, so I'm good for another year.


Why do the last minutes of the day sometimes seem to last forever? Maybe if I could stop jawning, maybe that would help. Well, atleast I don't have to go very far, because I'm having dinner with Tjerk. For the first time since he moved into his new place. Quite strange. All grown-up. Well, almost.


It's a day for movies, because it's misty outside and I don't really feel like going anywhere anyway. Plus, I promised myself I wouldn't spend to much time behind the computer, as my shoulder's been aching the last few days. I watched About a Boy this afternoon, which I was pleasently surprised by.

The evening is for 2 remakes. First, I'm going to watch Insomnia, which is a remake from a Norwegian movie from 1997. The original is supposed to be better, but since I've yet to see both, I'll keep an open mind. Later on tonight I'm going to tape the original Cape Fear, which is from 1962. I haven't seen it, but the remake from 1991 is one of my favourites.

Oh, just found some interesting trivia on the IMDb site. Did you know Hugh Grant is usually dubbed in French versions by actor Vincent Cassel. The bizar world of dubbing. I can't understand why anybody would prefer that to subtitles. Sigh. Anyhow, have a good evening.